Monday, April 11, 2016

First Aid for chemical exposure

First aid is the first help given to a person who has developed a sudden disease or trauma, or in other words, to anyone who is in need of immediate assistance to save their life. It is the first available help given until the medical attention is provided.
The main goal of first aid can be summarized into 3P’s. They are
·       Protect the victim’s life
·       Protect from further damage
·       Promote the quality of life with good prognosis
The chemical exposure is a common type of poisoning happens in day-to-day life. We deal with many chemicals in our daily life, for example, toilet cleaners, dishwashers and so on. Therefore, exposure from these chemicals cannot be always prevented. Generally, the spraying of these chemicals happens on the skin and into the eyes.
The first help needed to stop the action of the chemicals on our skin or in the eyes is to move away from the location of the accident or exposure. The most important step is to rinse or flush the area with water, continuously. The washing of these areas does not mean rough washing, DO NOT touch the surface. Rather, by the flushing or rinsing with water.
Generally, the duration required to perform rinsing or flushing water can last for 15-20 minutes duration. However, the exact time of the duration of this procedure depends on the type and of the strength of the chemical. According to that, the medical community has designed an approximate timescale for certain types of chemicals. Moreover, they are
·       5 minutes of rinsing and flushing for mild irritants.
·       15-20 minutes of this procedure for moderate –severe chemicals and this stage is enough to cause acute poisoning.
·       30 minutes of this procedure for corrosives
·       60 minutes of this procedure for very strong alkalis
These are approximate values; however, the strong chemicals need immediate hospitalization of the victim. The flushing or rinsing can be achieved in the transporting vehicle or in the ambulance. If exposed to harsh chemicals, please call the Poison Control center and 911.
Moreover, the chemical exposures of moderate – severe exposure and more than that of serious exposure can cause severe acute poisoning at the same time and can compromise the airway, breathing and of circulation disturbances. This can be relieved by proper inspection of the victim and if there is trouble breathing, perform the resuscitation according to the CAB method.
In summary, this shows us that even seemingly small first aid steps can prevent the death in difficult and life threatening situations.

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